Caloundra Power Boat Club Fishing Club - CPBCFC


The CPBC Fishing Club

Raffle Roster


If a member is unable to do the raffle on the allocated date, it is his/her responsibility to arrange a swap with another member with early notification given to Leon Freeleagus: 0460 751 801.

Members on raffle duty are required to commence on Friday evenings no later than 5.45pm and complete selling at 6.45pm in preparation for the prize draw. Members are required to wear the club shirt while conducting raffle sales. Contact Coast Image Wear at Landsborough to purchase a club shirt.


Members unable to participate in the raffle roster are expected to assist with other club activities, such as the weigh-in BBQ.

“Many hands make light work” – so we encourage all members to participate.

If members fail to support club activities eligibility for the random prize draw at the monthly competitions will be reviewed.

Leon Freeleagus will be in contact with members listed in the roster below during the week prior to their allocation to confirm their availability.
Any concerns, please contact Leon on mobile
14/02/25ROSS & GAIL GRAY
25/04/25ALAN & LIBBY ZERNIKE (Anzac Day)
The CPBC Fishing Club

BBQ Roster


If a member is unable to do the BBQ on the allocated date, it is his/her responsibility to arrange a swap with another member with early notification given to Leon Freeleagus 0460 751 801.

The commencement of cooking for the BBQ is 11am to serve at 11.30am on monthly competition days. Other annual competitions are to be advised.

If members fail to support club activities eligibility for the random prize draw at the monthly competitions will be reviewed.

JANUARYBluey McLean & Michael Hutchison
TEAMS COMPPhillip Smith & Denise Sullivan
MARCHNathan McAteer & Michael o'Neill
APRILMichael Hutchinson & Vivienne Barnard
MAYSue Leak & Tric Johnstone
JUNERebecca Grace & Ty Hoppe
Any concerns, please contact Leon on mobile

Leon Freeleagus will be in contact with members listed in the roster below during the week prior to their allocation to confirm their availability.

CPBC Fishing Club

Rules and By-Laws

All members of the Caloundra Power Boat Club (CPBC) are eligible to join the Caloundra Power Boat Club Fishing Club (CPBCFC) upon payment of an annual membership fee due on the 1st July each year.

Fishing Club meetings are held at the Club during the Sunday weigh-ins bi-monthly or at the discretion of the Committee. Competitions are held as per the fishing calendar distributed to members. The competition divisions are Offshore, A Grade Men’s Estuary, B Grade Men’s Estuary, Women’s Estuary and Junior Estuary. The Estuary competition can be fished from water craft, beach or the shore.


All competitors must be financial members of the CPBC and the CPBCFC.

Monthly competitions are fished between 12:00 midnight Friday nights and 11 am Sunday only. The weigh-in is conducted at the CPBC. A $5.00 competition registration fee must be paid to the Treasurer by 11.30 am sharp PRIOR to the weigh in to be eligible for entry into the draw and to participate in the monthly competition. Juniors fee is NIL. This fee entitles members and juniors to a free sausage sizzle lunch. Member’s family or guests are welcome at a cost of $5.00 each with frequency of participation to be managed by common sense, fairness and by the committee. A portion of these funds are donated to charity. Members must have fished at least 4 hours or have caught an eligible fish to weigh in. Juniors must have fished a minimum of one hour. Any infringement of Queensland Fisheries or club rules will result in a 50 point penalty per infringement and be ineligible for a prize in that competition

Offshore anglers are required to log in and out with the Coast Guard and must have a minimum of two persons per boat. Notification of intent to fish offshore must be given to the president or their delegate by 8pm on the Thursday prior to the competition. Estuary competition includes fishing from watercraft, beach or the shore (including rivers, canals and saltwater lakes)

A member must weigh in at least one fish to be awarded a placing (e.g. winner, runner up etc). Other members can weigh in your catch after payment of your $5.00 weigh-in fee, however you must be present to participate in the members’ draw and be awarded a placing in a competition. In the event of a tie in an adult competition the prize or prizes will be split as will the handicap points. In the case of a tie in the Junior competition, in order to promote the sport, each place getter will receive the full prize and the full handicap. You must have fulfilled your raffle and barbecue roster to participate in the sponsors’ draw.

The club weigh master is the sole identifier of all fish presented for weigh in. Members are encouraged to have their bag checked before weigh-in to avoid penalties. The grouping of fish species is aligned with the Qld Fishing Regulations e.g. Dusty Flathead (40-75cm) are regarded as a separate species to the Bar Tailed/Sand Flathead etc (30cm) and therefore 5 of each species may be weighed-in on a monthly comp. Similarly Barred Grunter (40cm) and Spotted Grunter (30cm) are separate species & the Summer/ Goldenline/Northern Whiting are separate species to the Trumpeter (Winter Whiting). The only exception is that of the Club rule to identify the Bream and Tarwhine as separate species for monthly comps only. Fishing boundaries are between Inskip Point and the Bribie Bridge for estuary anglers while the offshore boundaries are between Noosa Heads and Bribie Island Bridge with a 30 nautical mile eastern limit for offshore anglers between the above two points. To be eligible to weigh in, the member must have fished a minimum of four hours or have a legal fish to weigh in. Juniors must have fished a minimum of one hour. Any infringement of Queensland Fisheries or club rules will result in a 50 point penalty per infringement and ineligibility for a prize in that competition e.g. weighing in 17 fish would result in a 100 point penalty.


Queensland Fisheries rules and regulations, sizes and bag limits apply for offshore and estuary (except as in 4 below). A maximum of 15 fish per competitor applies to both offshore & estuary for all Grades. All fish are weighed in whole at all club competitions.

A GRADE a maximum of 5 fish per species can be weighed in.
OFFSHORE, B GRADE, LADIES & JUNIORS, 1 species a maximum of 10 fish, all others a maximum of 5 fish.

Exceptions to the Queensland Fisheries rules and regulations are listed on the reverse of the printed calendar which is available from the club secretary and also listed below.

RULES FOR COMPETITION WEATHER CONDITIONS An appointed Committee Member will coordinate decisions with delegated advisers from the CPBCFC to adjudicate weather conditions for any Club fishing competitions. Their decisions are based on the governing QAFCA requirements (provided from the insuring company) and the CPBCFC rules.

Offshore Competitions: All Offshore competitions are cancelled once the Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) issues a wind warning above 15knots for Sunshine Coast Waters.

Estuary Competitions: All Estuary competitions are reverted to land-based competitions once BOM issues a strong wind warning of 26 knots or above for Moreton Bay Waters (Pumicestone Passage is regarded as part of the Moreton Bay Marine Park). This means that fishing from a water vessel is not permitted.

In the event of an extreme weather condition e.g. impending cyclone several days prior to the competition, all competitions may be cancelled along with the impending bait orders.

Decisions affected by these weather conditions are made after the final BOM report issued at approximately 4:00pm on the Friday prior to the event. The Club Secretary will notify all members on any decisions affected by the conditions.


The normal prizes for a monthly competition, for Offshore and Estuary, both A Grade and B Grade, Juniors and Ladies, are club or sponsor vouchers. All senior male members have been divided into A Grade and B Grade for Estuary competitions based on a rating system. The club has adopted this rating system whereby members are rated by dividing the progressive points total after each competition by the number of competitions fished…so giving a rating. The A Grade competition is made up of approximately the highest rated 35% of members with the B Grade competition comprising approximately the remaining 65% of male members. All new male members, except those with acknowledged ability, are placed in B Grade with their ratings reviewed after each and every competition for their first six weigh-ins. If, at any stage, their rating exceeds the annual benchmark they will be immediately transferred to A Grade retaining all accumulated competition and handicap points.


All competitions, both Estuary and Offshore, are run on a points system.

The person with the highest accumulated points, after allowing for handicaps (winner:40 points, runner-up:20 points) wins the competition.

All points obtained in competitions are accumulated, and at the yearly presentation, awards are presented to the Club Championship winners and runners-up of all divisions, based on the best ten results out of the twelve monthly competitions. Winners’ trophies are also presented for the Four Seasons competition for the highest accumulated points from the four nominated months, being the months of September, December, March and June. The Four Seasons trophies are awarded for Offshore, Men’s Estuary, Ladies Estuary and Juniors Estuary (no runner up trophies are awarded for the Four Seasons category).

Prizes are awarded for the heaviest fish in categories as per the club list. Fish caught in the estuary must be at least 500g to be eligible and off-shore must be at least 1kg. Meritorious species not listed in the heaviest fish categories may be awarded at the discretion of the Committee. Other awards are also presented as follows.

Special Trophies
During the year special competitions are held. These include, the Annual Whiting competition, Annual Bream competition and Teams Competition. Rule variations apply to these competitions.
Any members of the Caloundra Power Boat Club Fishing Club are invited to attend our bi-monthly general meetings. There is a notice board at the Club displaying all the information concerning future Fishing Club activities. In all situations the Committees decision will be final. All members are required to sell raffle tickets and complete BBQ duties as rostered. Non-compliance may result in a penalty determined by the Committee.

Each club member is required to purchase a Club Shirt at a discounted price and wear it when rostered to sell raffle tickets and at the monthly weigh in.


The committee accepts no liability for any injury, loss or damage to any person in the course of any club activity whether such injury or loss is due to or is alleged to be due to any act, neglect or default of any official or agent. All competitors fully understand that in participating they do so at their own risk.



24 Interest Groups

(a) The Board may in its discretion:
(b) The name of each interest group will be ‘Caloundra Power Boat Club Limited’ (insert activity) Club.
(c) A Member of the Company will not form or participate in the activities of any group which;
(d) Membership of any interest group will be restricted to those who are Members of the Company.
(e) Whilst a Member is engaged in an activity of an interest group, he will be bound by the Constitution and by laws of the Company including those relating to conduct.
(f) All money or other property acquired by an interest group will vest in the Company but will during the continued existence of the group be applied for the purposes of that group.
(g) The Company will act as banker to each interest group and no accounts or investments will be held otherwise by an interest group.
(h) Each group may elect it’s own officers and conduct it’s own affairs (including setting of its own Membership and other fees) subject to its own and this Constitution and any rules, regulations or by laws or directions of the Board.
(i) Each group will provide such information, reports and minutes of its meetings as may be required by the Board.
Extract from Caloundra Power Boat Club Ltd Constitution 28 September 2008

For Information about the 2025 TAKFD

Contact - Michael Hutchinson